Saturday, August 14, 2010

Business Letters

Business Letter Writing
Purpose of a Business Letter
A business letter (or formal letter) is a formal way of communicating between two or more parties. There are many different uses and business letters. Business letters can be informational, persuasive, motivational, or promotional. Business letters should be typed and printed out on standard 8.5" x 11" white paper. 
Elements of a Good Letter
The most important element of writing a good letter is your ability to identify and write to your audience. If you are addressing your letter to the department of human resources, avoid using highly technical terms that only engineers would understand, even if your letter is addressed to an engineering company, chances are that the personnel in human resources does not have an engineering background. 
The next element is that you make sure your present your objective in a clear and concise manner. Don't be vague about your objective, most people will not have the patience to sit there and guess at the meaning of your letter or the time to read a long-winded letter, just get to the point without going into unnecessary details. 
Another important element to remember is to remain professional. Even if you are writing a complaint letter, remain polite and courteous, simply state the problem(s) along with any other relevant information and be sure to avoid threats and slander.

Block Format: Business Letter
Return Address Line 1 1
Return Address Line 2 
Date (Month Day, Year) 2 
Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Full name of recipient. 3
Title/Position of Recipient.
Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 
Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last Name: 4 
Subject: Title of Subject 5 
Body Paragraph 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Body Paragraph 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Body Paragraph 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 

Closing (Sincerely...), 7 
Signature 8 
Your Name (Printed) 9
Your Title 

Enclosures (2) 10
Typist Initials. 11 

The block format is the simplest format; all of the writing is flush against the left margin. 
Other Business Letter Formats 
Your Address 1
The return address of the sender of the letter so the recipient can easily find out where to send a reply to. Skip a line between your address and the date. (Not needed if the letter is printed on paper with the company letterhead already on it.) 
Date 2
Put the date on which the letter was written in the format Month Day Year i.e. August 30, 2003. Skip a line between the date and the inside address (some people skip 3 or 4 lines after the date). 
Inside Address 3
The address of the person you are writing to along with the name of the recipient, their title and company name, if you are not sure who the letter should be addressed to either leave it blank, but try to put in a title, i.e. "Director of Human Resources". Skip a line between the date and the salutation. 
Salutation 4
Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last Name:, Dear Director of Department Name: or To Whom It May Concern: if recipient's name is unknown. Note that there is a colon after the salutation. Skip a line between the salutation and the subject line or body. 
Subject Line (optional) 5 
Makes it easier for the recipient to find out what the letter is about. Skip a line between the subject line and the body. 
Body 6
The body is where you write the content of the letter; the paragraphs should be single spaced with a skipped line between each paragraph. Skip a line between the end of the body and the closing. 
Closing 7
Let's the reader know that you are finished with your letter; usually ends with Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Thank you, and so on. Note that there is a comma after the end of the closing and only the first word in the closing is capitalized. Skip 3-4 lines between the closing and the printed name, so that there is room for the signature. 
Signature 8
Your signature will go in this section, usually signed in black or blue ink with a pen. 
Printed Name 9
The printed version of your name, and if desired you can put your title or position on the line underneath it. Skip a line between the printed name and the enclosure. 
Enclosure 10
If letter contains other document other than the letter itself your letter will include the word "Enclosure." If there is more than one you would type, "Enclosures (#)" with the # being the number of other documents enclosed that doesn't include the letter itself. 
Reference Initials 11
If someone other than yourself typed the letter you will include your initials in capital letters followed by the typist's initials in lower case in the following format; AG/gs or AG:gs

Resignation Letter
483 Spring Road
Ft. Berliner, VA 58265 
October 21, 2004 
Mr. Jack Wilkins
Head of Inventory Control
Widgets Unlimited, Inc.
16 Ferris Blvd.
Clinton, VA 58763 
Dear Mr. Jenkins: 
I am formally notifying you that I'll be tendering my resignation from Widgets Unlimited, Inc. My last day will be on November 12, 2004 
I never imagined that I would have to leave Widgets Unlimited, but due to the relocation of my wife's work to New York, I have made the decision with my wife to move up to New York as a family. 
If there is anything that I can do to make this transition easier for the company, let me know and I'd be more than willing to help out. 
I have truly enjoyed my work here and I would like to thank you for the opportunity that you have given me to work here at Widgets Unlimited. 

Scott Nelson
Inventory Specialist 

Cover Letter Writing
What is a cover letter?
A cover letter is a brief one page letter sent along with the resume to potential employers. The purpose of the cover letter is to present yourself to potential employers and to let them know what position you are interested in and why you'd be a good fit for their company. 
Cover Letter Format
The cover letter format should be almost identical to the regular business letter format. 
Cover Letter Writing
Generally the cover letter will consist of three paragraphs. The first paragraph is an introductory one which introduces yourself. You want to include information on the position you are looking for and how you heard about and why you are interested in the position and/or company. 
The second paragraph should provide information on your skill, strengths, education, qualifications and/or experience. This paragraph should be concise and give specific examples of why you are the ideal candidate and not simply restate your resume. 
The final paragraph should close up the letter by requesting an interview and possibly suggestion times that are convenient for you or stating that you can come in at a time that's convenient for the employer. Also you should let the recipient know what the best way and/or time to contact you is (you should let them know both your contact email and phone number so that they can contact you in their preferred method). Or you can let them that you'll follow up on this letter with a phone call in several days. You should thank them for their time to close up the letter. 
Each cover letter that you send out should be unique and tailored to the specific company and position you are applying to. Using one cookie cutter cover letter will lessen your chances for landing an interview. Also be sure to check for grammar and spelling and keep the letter to one page in length. 

Sample Cover Letter
527 West Ave.
Elmswood, CT 23865 
October 28, 2004 
Mr. Michael Black
Directory of Human Resources
Global Answers
6542 Sioux Falls, NY
Dear Mr. Black: 
It is with great interest that I am applying for the position of chief accountant. When I read the job description in your ad on the New York Times on August 12th, I felt that it was an ideal match with my career aspirations. I have always wanted to work for a Fortune 500 company such as Global Answers. 
I believe that I am the ideal candidate for the position due to my extensive experience as an auditor for KPMG. At my current position at KPMG, I perform all of the same tasks that are described in your ad for the chief accountant position. In addition to that I have a reputation for being a hard worker who makes sure the job is done right the first time. My reports are always completed well ahead of the deadline. 
Feel free to contact me and setup an interview at your earliest convenience. You can reach me by way of e-mail at or by way of phone at (555) 555-5555. I look forward to discussing with you my future with Global Answers. Thanks for your time and consideration. 

Ken Jacobs 

Enclosure: resume 

IIM Talk

Managing Career & Expectations
(Talk at one of the IIMs)
Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan, 
Executive Director -Tata Sons 

There is a Thai saying that experience is a comb which Nature gives to man
after he is bald. As I grow bald, I would like to share my comb with you. 

1. Seek out grassroots level experience

I studied Physics and Engineering at University. A few months before
graduation, I appeared for an HLL interview for Computer Traineeship. When
asked whether I would consider Marketing instead of Computers, I responded
negatively: an engineer to visit grocery shops to sell Dalda or Lifebuoy.
Gosh, no way. After I joined the Company and a couple of comfortable weeks
in the swanky Head Office, I was given a train ticket to go to Nasik. Would
I please meet Mr. Kelkar to whom I would be attached for the next two
months? He would teach me to work as a salesman in his territory, which
included staying in Kopargaon and Pimpalgaon among other small towns. I was
most upset. In a town called Ozhar, I was moving around from shop to shop
with a bullock cart full of products and a salesman's folder in my hand.
Imagine my embarrassment when an IIT friend appeared in front of me in
Ozhar, believe it or not! And exclaimed, "Gopal, I thought you joined as a
Management Trainee in Computers". I could have died a thousand deaths.
After this leveling experience, I was less embarrassed to work as a
Dispatch Clerk in the Company Depot and an Invoice Clerk in the Accounts
Department. Several years later, I realized the value of such grassroots
level experience. It is fantastic. I would advise young people to seek out
nail-dirtying, collar-soiling, shoe-wearing tasks. That is how you learn
about organizations, about the true nature of work, and the dignity of the
many, many tasks that go into building great enterprises.

2. Deserve before you desire

At one stage, I was appointed as the Brand Manager for Lifebuoy and Pears
soap, the company's most popular-priced and most premium soaps. And what
was a Brand Manager? "A mini-businessman, responsible for the production,
sales and profits of the brand, accountable for its long-term growth, etc.,
etc. I had read those statements, I believed them and here I was, at 27,"in
charge of everything". But very soon, I found I could not move a pin
without checking with my seniors. One evening, after turning the Facit
machine handle through various calculations, I sat in front of the
Marketing Director. I expressed my frustration and gently asked whether I
could not be given total charge. He smiled benignly and said, "The
perception and reality are both right. You will get total charge when you
know more about the brand than anyone else in this company about its
formulation, the raw materials, the production costs, the consumer's
perception, the distribution and so on. How long do you think that it will
take?" "Maybe, ten years", I replied, "and I don't expect to be the
Lifebuoy and Pears Brand Manager for so long"! And then suddenly, the
lesson was clear. I desired total control, long before I deserved it.
This happens to us all the time - in terms of responsibilities, in terms of
postings and promotions, it happens all the time that there is a gap
between our perception of what we deserve and the reality of what we get.
It helps to deserve before we desire.

3. Play to win but win with fairness

Life is competitive and of course, you play to win. But think about the
balance. Will you do anything, to win? Perhaps not. Think deeply about how
and where you draw the line. Each person draws it differently, and in doing
so, it helps to think about values. Winning without values provides dubious
fulfillment. The leaders who have contributed the most are the ones with a
set of universal values! V Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King for
example. Napoleon inspired a ragged, mutinous and half-starved army to
fight and seize power. This brought him name and fame for twenty years. But
all the while, he was driven forward by a selfish and evil ambition, and
not in pursuit of a great ideal. He finally fell because of his selfish
ambition. I am fond of referring to the Pierre de Coubertin Fair Play
Trophy. It was instituted in 1964 by the founder of the modern Olympic
Games and here are two examples of winners. A Hungarian tennis player who
pleaded with the umpire to give his opponent some more time to recover from
a cramp. A British kayak team who were trailing the Danish kayak team. They
then stopped to help the Danish team whose boat was stuck. The Danes went
on to beat the British by one second in a three hour event! What wonderful
examples of sportsmanship! Play to Win, but with Fairness.

4. Enjoy whatever you do

Sir Thomas Lipton is credited with the statement, "There is no greater fun
than hard work". You usually excel in fields, which you truly enjoy. Ask
any person what it is that interferes with his enjoyment of existence. He
will say, "The struggle for life". What he probably means is the struggle
for success. Unless a person has learnt what to do with success after
getting it, the very achievement of it must lead him to unhappiness.
Aristotle wrote, "Humans seek happiness as an end in itself, not as a means
to something else". But if you think about it, we should not work for
happiness. We should work as happy people. In organizational life, people
get busy doing something to be happy. The more you try to be happy, the
unhappy you can get. Your work and career is all about you’re reaching
your full potential. Working at one's full potential, whether it is the
office boy or the Chairman, leads to enjoyment and fulfillment. A last
point about enjoyment. Keep a sense of humor about yourself. Too many
people are in danger of taking themselves far too seriously. As General Joe
Stilwell is reported to have said, "Keep smiling. The higher the monkey
climbs, the more you can see of his backside".
5. Be Passionate about your health

Of course, as you get older, you would have a slight paunch, graying of
hair or loss of it and so on. But it is in the first 5 - 7 years after the
working career begins that the greatest neglect of youthful health occurs.
Sportsmen stop playing sports, non drinkers drink alcohol, light smokers
smoke more, active people sit on chairs, and starving inmates of hostels
eat rich food in good hotels and so on. These are the years to watch. Do
not, I repeat do not, convince yourself that you are too busy, or that you
do not have access to facilities, or worst of all, that you do this to
relieve the stresses of a professional career. A professional career is
indeed very stressful. There is only one person who can help you to cope
with the tension, avoid the doctor's scalpel, and to feel good each morning
- and that is yourself. God has given us as good a health as He has, a bit
like a credit balance in the bank. Grow it, maintain it, but do not allow
its value destruction. The penalty is very high in later years.

6. Direction is more important than distance

Every golfer tries to drive the ball to a very long distance. In the
process, all sorts of mistakes occur because the game involves the masterly
co-ordination of several movements simultaneously. The golf coach always
advises that direction is more important than distance. So it is with life.
Despite one's best attempts, there will be ups and downs. It is
relationships and friendships that enable a person to navigate the choppy
waters that the ship of life will encounter. When I was young, there was a
memorable film by Frank Capra, starring James Stewart and Dona Reed, and
named IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. It is about a man who is about to commit
suicide because he thinks he is a failure. An angel is sent to rescue him.
The bottom line of the film is that "No Man is a Failure Who Has Friends".


My generation will never be twenty again, but when you are older, you can
and should be different from my generation. Ours is a great and wonderful
country, and realizing her true potential in the global arena depends ever
so much on the quality and persistence of our young people.
Good luck in your journey, my young friends, and God be with you.


Which of the ?following? Indian company has been listed at the top in Global-500 list?
But where are the options?

SBI is the only Indian Bank to find place in the "Fortune Global 500" list. 380th place in 2008

Company Rank-2008
1 Indian Oil 116 
2 Reliance Industries 206 
3 Bharat Petroleum 287 
4 Hindustan Petroleum 290 
5 Tata Steel 315 
6 Oil & Natural Gas 335 
7 State Bank of India 380 

Company Rank-2009
1 Indian Oil 105 
2 Tata Steel 258 
3 Reliance Industries 264 
4 Bharat Petroleum 289 
5 Hindustan Petroleum 311 
6 State Bank of India 363 
7 Oil & Natural Gas 402
1. Expand SEBI
  Stock Exchange Bureau of India
  Stock Exchange Board of India
  Securities Exchange Bureau of India
  Securities and Exchange Board of India

2. Which popular global IT company has the slogan "High Performance. Delivered"?

3. Which bank offers a virtual temporary credit card for online purchases called NetSafe?
  ICICI Bank
  State Bank of India

4. With which airliner was Jet Airways in talks of merger/acquisition?
  Air Sahara
  Air Deccan
  Indian Airlines

5. Which of the following popular microprocessor major went for a major re-branding exercise in 2006 after few decades of staying with the old logo?

6. Which of the following logistics company is associated with Deutsche Post
  Blue Dart

7. Which Asset Management Company took a 49.9% stake in Sundaram Mutual Fund to enter into India via Joint Venture route?
  BNP Paribas
  Merrill Lynch

8. If you are in Singapore, in which currency do you pay the taxi driver?
  Singapore Rupiah
  Singapore Rupee
  Singapore Dollar
  Singapore Cents

9. Paul Jacobs is the CEO of which of the following companies?

10. Who of the following is the son of Lakshmi Mittal of Mittal Steels?
  Aditya Mittal
  Bob Mittal
  Sunil Mittal
  Sanjay Mittal
1. Which cricketer is the brand ambasador for Band-Aid?
  Virendra Sehwag
  Sachin Tendulkar
  Saurav Ganguly
  Yuvraj Singh

2. Which leadership guru coined the term 'transformational leadership'?
  Pradep Sindhu
  Phillip Kotlar
  Samuel A Dipiazza
  James MacGregor Burns

3. Which Television channel launched the first local programming initiative in India in the form of reality show - Everset Se Takkar?
  National Geographic
  Animal Planet

4. What is the name of the new version of Hunadi Motors car?

5. What is the name of the 233cc Motorcycle launched by Hero Honda?

6. Which air conditioning company has the slogan 'Inspire the Next'?

7. Aditya Birla collaborated with which foreign company to roll out an insurance scheme?

8. Citi Bank co-brands cards for which oil company?

9. What is series of showrooms set up by Reliance to sell Mobile phones called?
  Dhirubai Phones
  Ambani Dream Center

10. Which company brings you CNBC Television channel in India?
  Channel 7
  TV 18
  Mudra Arts

11. Which fabric company has the slogan - 'India's Family Store'?
  Peter England

12. Acme Clothing owns which famous brand?
  John Player
  Peter England
  Park Avenue

13. What is the name of the recent car released by Toyota in India?

14. What is the e-Governance project of Andhra Pradesh Government called?

15. What is the name of the UK-based Tea company acquired by Tata Tea?
  Brooke Bond

16. Which fabric brand has the slogan - 'Wear your attitude'?
  Peter England

17. Hyundai is a car manufacturer based in ___ country
  S Korea
  N Korea

18. What is a computer network without wires called?

19. Netle is a company based in which country?
  South Africa

20. Elle 18 range of cosmetics are marketed in India by which FCMG company?
1. Which companies mobile phone are marketed with the slogan - Big inside. Small Outside

2. Which Indian Enterprise used the slogan - Improving the quality of Life.

3. Which newspaper says You needn't read us to understand us?
  Times of India
  The Hindu
  Indian Express
  Malyalam Manorama

4. Which network marketing company sells with the slogan - Better Ideas- Better Life

5. What is the name of the mobile company which was acquired by Sony ?

6. Forester is the name of a car manufactured by

7. Louie Philippe is the brand name of a
  luggage ware

8. Power is the name of oil from which of the following Oil gaints?

9. Carrier is a leading name in the field of
  Air Cooling
  Air Conditioning

10. Which car gives you - Fun on the Run

11. You read ____ news paper because - You deserve to know
  Times of India
  Hindustan Times
  The Hindu
  Bombay Times

12. Magic is the brand name of which Mobile pre-paid card?

13. Cerelac is the brand of which companies baby foods?
  Johnson n Johnson

14. If you use this companys software - your question yourself - Where do you want to go today?

15. Colgate Fresh Energy Gel took paste says
  Talk to Me
  Rakshana Chakra
  Fights with germs for long
  None of these

16. 737-900 is the name of a
  Mobile Phone from Motorola
  name of a jet plane
  looks like a telephone number in West Indies islands
  name of a comet

17. Taj group of Hotels is a chain of hotels from which company?

18. This company is - Applying Thought
  Ernest & Young

19. Your neighbours will go envy if you own this television

20. Harmony is the name of which companies textiles?
  Bombay Deing
1. Which international brand of mobile phones has “Ab khul ke jeeyo India!” as its slogan?

2. Which two wheeler won the Awaz Consumer Award 2006?
  Hero Honda Splendor
  Bajaj Avenger
  Yamaha Crux
  TVS Star

3. Which company bought IBM PC division in 2005?

4. Which major Indian corporate group is popular as ADAG?
  Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group
  Anil Dhirubhai Associated Group
  Ambani Dhirubhai Associated Group
  Ambani Dhirubhai Assorted Group

5. What is the national currency of Malaysia?

6. In Mutual Fund terminology, what is a SIP?
  Start Investment Plan
  Simple Investment Plan
  Serial Investment Plan
  Systematic Investment Plan

7. JBIMS is a popular business school located in which Indian city?

8. Which airliner recently introduced the concept of Spot fares that gives up to 70 per cent discount on air tickets?
  Indian (Airlines)
  Air Deccan
  Kingfisher Airlines
  Jet Airways

9. What is the name of the BPO arm of IT major Satyam Computer Services Limited?

10. Which of the following is not a place where the historic NASDAQ Remote Bell is not rung?
1. NASDAQ is acronym for
  North American Share Dealers Association Quotes
  National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  National All Stocks Dealers Automated Quotations
  Network of Acquired Securities Distribution Application Quotations

2. IMF stands for
  International Machinery Fund
  International Monetary Fund
  Indian Machinery Fund
  Indian Monetary Fund

3. SEC means..
  Securities & Exchange Commission
  Stock Exchange Commission
  Script Exchange Commission
  Special Exchange Commission

4. NSE stands for
  National Stock Exchange
  National Script Exchange
  Network of Stock Exchange
  Non Stock Exchange

5. NYSE is is acronym for
  New York Stock Exchange
  New York Scripts Exchange
  New York Special Exchange
  National York Securities Exchange

6. NSDL stands for
  Network of Securities Depository Limited
  Network of Stocks Directory Listing
  National Stock Directory Limited
  National Securities Depository Limited

7. ADR stands for
  All Depositary Receipt
  Asian Depositary Receipt
  African Depositary Receipt
  American Depositary Receipts

8. In the context of Mutual Funds, SIP stands for..
  Systematic Investment Plan
  Scheduled Interest Plan
  Specific Insurance Plan
  Special Income Plan

9. In the context of Mutual Funds, ELSS means
  Endowment Linked Savings Scheme
  Equity Linked Savings Scheme
  Established Line Savings Scheme
  Entrepreneur Line Savings Scheme

10. AMFI stands for
  Association of Mutual Funds in India
  Arbitrated Mutual Funds India
  Arbitrated Monetary Funds India
  Associated Mega Finance of India
1. NASDAQ is acronym for
  North American Share Dealers Association Quotes
  National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  National All Stocks Dealers Automated Quotations
  Network of Acquired Securities Distribution Application Quotations

2. IMF stands for
  International Machinery Fund
  International Monetary Fund
  Indian Machinery Fund
  Indian Monetary Fund

3. SEC means..
  Securities & Exchange Commission
  Stock Exchange Commission
  Script Exchange Commission
  Special Exchange Commission

4. NSE stands for
  National Stock Exchange
  National Script Exchange
  Network of Stock Exchange
  Non Stock Exchange

5. NYSE is is acronym for
  New York Stock Exchange
  New York Scripts Exchange
  New York Special Exchange
  National York Securities Exchange

6. NSDL stands for
  Network of Securities Depository Limited
  Network of Stocks Directory Listing
  National Stock Directory Limited
  National Securities Depository Limited

7. ADR stands for
  All Depositary Receipt
  Asian Depositary Receipt
  African Depositary Receipt
  American Depositary Receipts

8. In the context of Mutual Funds, SIP stands for..
  Systematic Investment Plan
  Scheduled Interest Plan
  Specific Insurance Plan
  Special Income Plan

9. In the context of Mutual Funds, ELSS means
  Endowment Linked Savings Scheme
  Equity Linked Savings Scheme
  Established Line Savings Scheme
  Entrepreneur Line Savings Scheme

10. AMFI stands for
  Association of Mutual Funds in India
  Arbitrated Mutual Funds India
  Arbitrated Monetary Funds India
  Associated Mega Finance of India

Business GK

1. Which of the following is the slogancan be associated with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?
a. Earth and nature
b. Nature is life
c. For a living planet
d. Life and planet

2. Pulsar, Discover and Ninja , are names of bike models that you would associate with …
a. TVS Motors Ltd
b. Bajaj Auto Ltd
c. Hero Honda Motors Ltd
d. Honda Motors Ltd

3. Servo brand of industrial oil belongs to the stable of …
b. Indian Oil Corporation

4. Which company is a joint venture between Norway’s leading Telecom operator Telenorand India’s leading reality major,
Unitech, and has recently launched the mobile phone services in India?
a. Peninor
b. Uninor
c. Teletech
d. None of these

5. Real GDP growth rate in the second quarter of 2009-10 was?
a. 6.1 per cent
b. 6.7 per cent
c. 7.1 per cent
d. 7.9 per cent

6. The Union Minister for Corporate Affairs is ...
a. SK Shinde
b. Salman Khursheed
c. Veerappa Moily
d. None of these

7. What is the percentage stake acquired by Arcelor Mittal in Uttam Galva Steel in a deal worth 422 crores recently?
a. 21 per cent
b. 23 per cent
c. 25 per cent
d. 29 per cent

8. The amount invested by the Venture Capital fi rms in around 92 deals in India by the end of 2009 is?
a. $345 million
b. $475 million
c. $550 million
d. $640 million

9. Subir Raha who passed away recently, was an outstanding public service executive and headed one of the major oil companies of India. Identify the name of the organisation that he headed
a. IOC

10. The name of the recently appointed disinvestment secretary of India is …
a. Ashok Chawla
b. Sumit Bose
c. Sunil Mitra
d. Krishna Kumar Goyal

11. Which veteran journalist has been appointed as the chairman of the Prasar Bharti recently.
a. Vir Sanghvi
b. N. Ram
c. Mrinal Pandey
d. Pravin Swami

12. Name the famous businessperson from India who was awarded the ‘Order of Diplomatic Service Merit’ by South Korea recently.
a. Rahul Bajaj
b. Venu Srinivasan
c. Vijay Mallaya
d. Kumaramangalam Birla

13. Identify the name of the bank whose punch line is ‘where every individual is committed’.
a. Indian Bank
b. Bank of India
c. Oriental Bank of
d. Bank of Baroda
end of Question Bank
14. The fi rst city in the world where metro started is?
a. New York
b. London
c. Tokyo
d. Hong Kong

15. The deal in which Edelweiss Capital bought domestic retail brokering fi rm Angram Capital recently was worth?
a. Rs. 64 crore
b. Rs. 164 crore
c. Rs. 264 crore
d. Rs. 364 crore

16. Identify the name of the automobile major which recently recalled millions of its sold vehicles that were potentially
prone to uncontrolled acceleration ...
a. General Motors
b. Toyota Motors
c. Ford Motors
d. Honda Motors

17. Identify is the new group CEO of Tata Motors?
a. Allan Mullalay
b. Carl Peter Forster
c. Rick Wagoner Jr
d. PM Telang

18. Recently Bharti Airtel bided for the Kuwait based Zain Telecom’s Affrican assets. What was the amount of the bid?
a. $ 9.8 billion
b. $10.7 billion
c. $12.2 billion
d. $ 14.9 billion

19. The present chief economic advisor to the Finance minister of India...
a. Deepak C Jain
b. Bimal Jalan
c. Bibek Debroy
d. Kaushik Basu

20. Boxster S - the car model can be associate with …
a. Volkswagen AG
b. Porsche
c. Ford Motors
d. General Motors

21. Identify the main author of The Maruti Story ...
a. Jagadish Khattar
b. RC Bhargava
c. Ravi Kant
d. None of these

22. D. Shiva Kumar is the managing director of ….
a. LG India
b. Nokia India
c. Sony India
d. IBM India

23. Pranab Mukharjee represented maximum budgets in the history of India. How many budgets has
he represented so far …
a. 4 times
b. 5 times
c. 6 times
d. 7 times

24. As per the Union Budget 2010-2011, the percentage increase in the allocation for the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is?
a. 10 per cent
b. 15 per cent
c. 20 per cent
d. 25 per cent

25. As per the Union Budget 2010-2011, which of the following represents the percentage of the planned expenditure that is allocated for the infrastructure development?
a. 35 per cent
b. 46 per cent
c. 52 per cent
d. 56 per cent

26. Author of "INDIA 2039 An Affl uent Society in One Generation" is …
a. VJ Taraporevala
b. Bibek Debroy
c. Onkar Goswami
d. Ashok V Desai

27. ‘Obsessed with quality since 1895’, is the punch line of …
a. Volkswagen AG
b. TAG Heuer
c. Skoda Automobiles
d. Swarovski

28. Rodeo, Duro and Flyte are the names of the two wheelers that originally belonged to …
a. Hero Honda Motors
b. Kinetic Engineering Ltd
c. Bajaj Auto Ltd
d. TVS Motors Ltd

29. Prius is the name of the car brand that was launched by …
a. Hyundai Motors Ltd
b. Honda Motors Ltd
c. General Motors
d. Toyota Motors

30. Who amongst the following is the present Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)?
a. KT Chacko
b. RS Gujral
c. Saarthak Behuria
d. None of these

31. The Double Life of Ramalinga Raju The Story of India’s Corporate Fraud, is authored by …
a. Raghav Bahl
b. Udayan Bose
c. Kingshuk Nag
d. Gita Piramal

32. The fi rst Fortune 200 Chief Executive Offi cer to tweet his resignation recently was
a. Eric Schmidt
b. Jonathan Schwartz
c. John T Chambers
d. Samuel J Palmasino

33. The India businessman to win the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur award for the Year 2009 is?
a. PC Reddy
b. Anand Mahindra
c. KP Singh
d. Tulsi Tanti

34. KN Raj, a famous economist of India who passed away recently was famous for his …
a. Karnataka Model of
b. Kerala Model of
c. Tamil Nadu Model of
d. Maharashtra Model of

35. As per the domestic passenger vehicles sales in January 2010 , which of the following was the market leader?
a. Tata Motors
b. Hyundai Motors India Ltd
c. Maruti Suzuki Ltd
d. Honda Motors India Ltd

36. Recently SEBI constituted a committee for the review of the ownership and governance structure of the stock exchanges
of India. Identify the chairperson of this committee?
a. Deena Mehta
b. CB Bhave
c. Bimal Jalan
d. Usha Thorat

37. As per a recent development, in order to overhaul the existing Public Distribution System that is considered as one of the
factors for the increasing food prices in India, a 11 member committee has been constituted. It will be chaired by …
a. Pranab Mukharjee
b. Sharad Pawar
c. Montek Singh Ahluwalia
d. Dr. Manmohan Singh

38. As per a recent development Fortis Healthcare will buy 23.9 per cent stake in a Singapore Healthcare provider Parkway
holdings. Identify the worth of the deal from the given options?
a. $ 485 million
b. $ 585 million
c. $ 685 million
d. $ 785 million

39. The richest person of the world according to the recent Forbes annual list of world’s top billionaires is?
a. Bill Gates
b. Warren Buffet
c. Carlos Slim Helu
d. Ingwar Kemprad

40. The richest person of India according to the recent Forbes annual list of world’s top billionaires is?
a. LN Mittal
b. Mukesh Ambani
c. Sunil Bharti Mittal
d. Anil Ambani

41. Which of the following represents India’s Industrial growth for the month of January 2010?
a. 15.6 per cent
b. 16.2 per cent
c. 16.7 per cent
d. 17.3 per cent

42. You might have heard of IPO that is Initial Public Offer but which of the following represents the expansion of ‘F’ in ‘FPO’?
a. Finance
b. Follow-on
c. Fringe
d. Foreign

43. Which of the following represents the expansion of DTC, linked with Financial sector?
a. Dealers Technological
b. Direct Tax Code
c. Digital Taxation Codifi ed
d. Digitised Technical Code

44. As per the Union Budget 2010-2011, the amount allocated to extend the green revolution to the eastern region of the
country is?
a. 400 crores
b. 500 crores
c. 600 crores
d. 700 croreS

45. As per the Union Budget 2010-2011, BE, which of the following represents the fi scal defi cit as a percentage of GDP?
a. 4.5 per cent
b. 5.2 per cent
c. 5.5 per cent
d. 6.2 per cent

46. As per the new taxation slabs under the Union Budget 2010-2011, which of the following represents the amount up to
which there is no tax?
a. 1.3 lakhs
b. 1.6 lakhs
c. 1.8 lakhs
d. 2 lakhs

47. The new service tax rate as per the Union Budget of 2010-2011 is...
a. 10 per cent
b. 10.5 per cent
c. 10.8 per cent
d. 11.2 per cent

48. Find the odd one out.
a. Civic
b. CRV
c. City
d. Getz

49. The Generali group in the Future Generali insurance venture, hails from …
a. Germany
b. Italy
c. France
d. Australia

50. The percentage stake of ICICI Bank in the ICICI Lombard General Insurance is ...
a. 66 per cent
b. 74 per cent
c. 80 per cent
d. 85 per cent


1. c. For a living planet
2. b. Bajaj Auto Limited
3. b. Indian Oil Corporation
4. b. Uninor
5. d. 7.9 per cent
6. b. Salman Khursheed
7. d. 29 per cent
8. b. $ 475 million
9. b. ONGC
10. b. Sumit Bose
11. c. Mrinal Pandey
12. b. Venu Srinivasan
13. c. Oriental Bank of Commerce
14. b. London
15. b. Rs 164 cr
16. b. Toyota Motors
17. b. Carl Peter Forster
18. b. $ 10.7 billion
19. d. Kaushik Basu
20. b. Porsche
21. b. R.C. Bhargava
22. b. Nokia India
23. c. 6 times
24. b. 15 per cent
25. b. 46 per cent
26. b. Bibek Debroy
27. c. Skoda Automobiles
28. b. Kinetic Engineering Ltd
29. d. Toyota Motors
30. b. RS Gujral
31. c. Kingshuk Nag
32. b. Jonathan Schwartz
33. b. Anand Mahindra
34. b. Kerala Model of Development
35. c. Maruti Suzuki Ltd.
36. c. Bimal Jalan
37. d. Dr Manmohan Singh
38. c. $685 million
39. c. Carlos Slim Helu
40. b. Mukesh Ambani
41. c. 16.7 per cent
42. b. Follow-on
43. b. Direct Tax Code
44. a. 400 cr
45. c. 5.5 per cent
46. b. 1.6 lakhs
47. a. 10 per cent
48. d. Getz
49. b. Italy
50. b. 74 per cent